Unable to change email address from "changeyouremail@scoutbook.com"

My email address somehow changed to “changeyouremail”, I need to correct this but can not. HELP!

Michael Day
User ID 10966836
Member #12813332

I have the same issue. Monica Gilson Member#13637919. I’m pretty sure I had 2 users and they did a ‘ticket’ to fix it, but I don’t know that it was a complete fix. I can’t figure out how to get a ‘ticket’ again. I’d appreciate some help. Thanks:)

@MichaelDay2 your email @lincolnxing.org is on your wifes(?) account? Andrea?

@MonicaGilson your email is on you scouts account - I will move it to yours

thank you @DonovanMcNeil :slight_smile:

This is address is the correct one, (personal info removed by moderator)

LTC Michael D. Day

@MichaelDay2 you should have4 been able to do that yourself under Edit Profile - but it is fixed

I have a parent who chose to stop receiving emails from Scoutbook. Once she figured out that blocked the emails from the troop not just the pack she removed that block. Now on her end she sees her email in her profile but we see changeyouremail@scoutbook.com. She is not receiving emails. How can we fix this so she is receiving them again?


Sounds like she has two Scoutbook accounts. Can you post her BSA ID and Scoutbook User ID? Navigate to her scout in the roster, then select parent connection, then edit profile.

If not, can you post just the scout’s BSA ID? No names needed in either case.

BSA 13435771
User 1936472


@The_Kernel well the user # you posted was wrong - but I found 2 accounts and merged them BUT the ones I found had never been logged into

Maybe you could post the BSA IDs (no names) for her scouts, @The_Kernel? Assuming you don’t have access to the pack, she should be able to look at her scout’s profile by going to My Dashboard → Administration → My Family → Scout’s name → Edit Profile and scrolling down to near the bottom of the profile. That might help find the other account that she’s been logging into.

I’m not seeing any change to her email and I re-verified her BSA and User ID numbers. The user ID was correct but I missed a number in the BSA ID.

@The_Kernel this is fixed now

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