Changes Made to 'Total Cash' Calculation?

Hello, unit Treasurer here. Has there recently been changes to how Scoutbook calculates unit-level ‘Total Cash’? For last two years my Scoutbook balance has matched our unit bank account balance and my independent spreadsheet.

Recently I have seen a divergence in the Scoutbook ‘Total Cash’ and my independent spreadsheet and bank account. My practices have not changed. Just the values on the Scoutbook side.

Wondering if there was an update to the payment/charge functions recently in Scoutbook and if it caused some calculation methods to change.

Thank you.

854G Unit Treasurer
Wentzville, MO

Could you provide some details on the types of transactions that caused the issue?

Thank you for response. Two examples from yesterday:

Quick Entry → Enter Payment Logs → Record Credit from Unit
Quick Entry → Enter Payment Logs → Record Charge from the Unit

Neither of these actions have changed the total balance/total cash in the past. Now it seems to add/subtract from total cash.

For reference, this change happened sometime between Thursday 09/19/24 and yesterday, Monday 09/23/2024.


Edit: Replying to comment instead of thread.

Thank you for response. Two examples from yesterday:

Quick Entry → Enter Payment Logs → Record Credit from Unit
Quick Entry → Enter Payment Logs → Record Charge from the Unit

Neither of these actions have changed the total balance/total cash in the past. Now it seems to add/subtract from total cash.

For reference, this change happened sometime between Thursday 09/19/24 and yesterday, Monday 09/23/2024.


I just tested crediting a Scout account and the cash balance remained the same.

I also tested charging a Scout account and the cash balance still remained the same.

Try testing one yourself. You can always delete the transaction…

Gary, I just exported my logs and realized I miscategorized a batch as “Payment to Scout” instead of “Credit from Unit”. This accounts for part of my difference. (User error…my bad).

I am still off by an amount. I will go back to logs further to see if I had made the same mistake somewhere previously.

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