I have a Scout who is using a different handbook version than I have him in Scoutbook. How do I change his version so his book matches Scoutbook? Thank you!
@StephanieDoerner - all scouts should be at the current rank version in scoutbook period end of discussion. There had been handbook inserts available when the reqs change.
You should at the soonest available time read the guide to advancement as that seems lacking.
Guide to Advancement
- Take note of these 11 key changes in the 2021 Guide to Advancement (scoutingmagazine.org)
- Boy Scouts of America Guide to Advancement | Scoutbook Knowledge Base (scouting.org)
- Guide to Advancement - 33088.pdf (scouting.org)
Policy on Unauthorized Changes to Advancement Program
No council, committee, district, unit, or individual has the authority to add to, or subtract from, advancement requirements. There are limited exceptions relating only to members with special needs. For details see Section 10,
“Advancement for Members With Special Needs.” Changes to Requirements (extract)
… Changes may also be introduced in youth handbooks or various official BSA publications or releases before appearing on one of the above web pages. In this case, unless official communications set forth a different procedure or establish a date by when use of the old requirements must cease, youth members have through December 31 of that year to decide what to do. …
there is more information in the guide.
What program is the Scout in? Cub Scouting, Scouts BSA, etc.?
Where Scoutbook has different versions in the programed it should be possible to set the version for the Scout. I believe this can be done in the Scout’s profile.
Please be aware of Guide to Advancement requirements and temporary changes due to pandemic safety restrictions.
Related discussion:
@Bill_W - That is actually in the advancement section BUT all scouts should be set to the current version in scoutbook.
you should at the soonest avaialbe time read the guide to contributing to a Scouting Forum as that seems to lacking.
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I would expect when you interact with Scouts your first inclination is to not make them feel worse for asking a question.
Thanks so much Bill - the link to the other discussion did the trick.
Still learning to navigate this program.
Be Well!
@StephanieDoerner - thank you for the feedback. I am generally better than that. So anyway all scouts should be working the most current rank/merit badge/award requirements. What version is the book and what version on scoutbook?