Apparently district volunteers (and professional staff) have lost access to District tools including commissioner tools. Just checking to see if this is a known issue. I understand my council has submitted a ticket.
There was a recent post that I think may be related to the issue you’re seeing:
+1 on DEs and commissioners losing access and council registrar filing a ticket.
No idea if if this is part of the planned changes to commissioner tools or an unrelated issue.
With the change to the commissioner’s service to units now being implemented, it makes sense to remove access to the unit assessment function. However, all of the my.scouting tools are unavailale, other than those related solely to my profile, training, etc. Still helping units complete their renewals, due to some issues with the new renewal system, but the loss of the organization manager means that I cannot run rosters, check unit dashboards, etc. at this point - making it impossible to provide help.
Is this a situation where all of the toolset is interconnected, so one function cannot be shut down without shutting them all down?
@KarlGerdes - there is nobody on the forums from the my.scouting team nor anyone from national to answer that question.
I checked in “My Profile” in My Scouting and all my district-level positions are missing. Only unit-level positions are showing up there. Scoutbook Plus also only recognizes unit-level positions. However, Legacy Scoutbook is, for now, still showing district-level positions.
If it’s the same for others, then something happened to stop My Scouting and Scoutbook Plus from recognizing district positions. That’s one way to stop access to certain tools and reports, but it is not very elegant and is confusing. The announcement on My Scouting states that “We have extended the deadline to complete assessment entries through January 15, 2025,” so this happening on January 10 makes no sense even if it is part of the plan to change commissioner tools.
Didn’t think to check this, until your post. Same as you, only my unit-level positions are showing in my profile…
Is it possible that it is district and council renewal time
@Stephen_Hornak Neither renewals nor grace periods expire mid-month.
@WhitneyD - it was just a thought. Again there is nobody from national or here to address the issues
My Commissioner Tools were missing yesterday and are back today. See what tomorrow brings…
The my.scouting tools are back, but it appears that all of the unit commissioner assignments in my district have been erased. Does anyone see a similar situation in their district?
I would like to think that the UC assignments will be restored, as was the case with the my.scouting tools, but I am not quite that optimistic.
It was announced a couple of weeks back on Facebook that entering new data would end on a particular day. I’m not sure what they said about past assessments. Then on my.scouting they said that due to some issue, they would extend it to 1/15. It is back today, but was gone yesterday.
It would be nice to have some of the national commissioner team here in these forums . They do manage the Facebook pages and posts.
Matt, just to be clear, I was not talking about unit assessments - the issue is that the linking of unit commissioners to their units has vanished.
Stephen, I understand that there may be no one from national or is watching these discussions, but this appears to be the one place where scout leaders can exchange information about issues. If there is a different forum where we can kick things around like is done here, please let me/us know, and thanks.
Oh! Yes. I saw that when the site came back. No units had commissioners and no commissioners had units. Thanks for clarifying.
@KarlGerdes - the is this forum:
and apparently as Matt noted there is a facebook group
I observe the same. Commissioner tools access and district commissioner position restored. Assignments of commissioners to units are gone.
As near as I could tell, the only use of those assignments was for the visit reports which had “assigned” vs. “unassigned” sub-totals.
Every flavor of commissioner seems to have similar access permissions for every unit in the assigned district.
Here is a link to the official Commissioner Service private Facebook group. One must learn of its existence, find the link, request entry, and be willing to engage on this platform. For news posts comments are disabled and posts by members are moderated.
I personally find it bizarre that news is not simply posted to the “Technology Information Updates” section of the “Commissioner Technology Page” or these forums and have expressed myself using the “Questions, Comments and Suggestions” section of that page.
I do find that odd as well. The technology update seems to have been abandoned.