Completion of First Class rank has disappeared

Hello, My son’s advancement for the First Class rank is no longer showing, but he is still showing for Star and Life Rank. Can anyone help me restore it or provide insight as to what happened?

Thank You!

SB User ID: 2671538

BSA Member ID: 135547066

@MindyDoerr will take a look

I have four scouts whose completions for 1st class requirements have disappeared. It is not all of the completions, and it does not seem to correlate to a specific date (ie. all the completions after this date are gone). It appears to have happened after 11/19/24 (which is the date I last ran a paper report). Any ideas?
SB User ID: BSA Member ID:
12185247. 137494761

SB User ID: BSA Member ID:
11113748. 136781035

SB User ID: BSA Member ID:
12185258. 137494778

SB User ID: BSA Member ID:
12185219. 137494725


Did you check these Scouts this morning? We have been told requirements that disappeared were restored last night.

@KristinReichert so these scouts in SB had FC complete but not all requirements complete? just trying to get the whole picture - thanks

Hello, About 40% of the requirements are showing complete now, but we are still missing quite a few for FC Rank for my scout.

@MindyDoerr but where the ranks complete or not?

Yes it does show that the rank is complete.

Yes all four scouts had earned their first class rank, two of them had earned star. I am attaching a screeen shot of one of the records to show how it looked on Nov. 19th.

@KristinReichert what is this MID/BSA#?

Yes, checked this morning.


BSA Member ID:


@DonovanMcNeil I looked again this morning and it shows rank completion but the individual activities are still mostly missing. Will these repopulate at some point?

Thank You!

@MindyDoerr I will send it back in but we were told all reqs should be restored that were entered in system. From a book keeping and advancement standpoint as long as the Rank date is there and approved the req dates are not needed as they are not part of the Eagle Verification Process.

No change in my case. Would it be advisable to just go in and manually reenter the data? Or can the records be restored from your end? Thank you for all your help!

@KristinReichert restoration is still being worked on - If you want you could fill in the complete date as that is the only relevant date - once a rank is complete requirements matter less.

Ok, I think I will be a little more patient and see what they can pull through for restoration. I can’t imagine my troop is the only one affected. And I don’t want to inadvertently complicate the restoration process! Thank you again for all of your help!!

We also had one life scout whos second class and 1st class requirements were almost completely wiped out. Star and Life info was fine. I noticed it Sunday. They were restored today. I have seen this before and as such I tend to keep some paper copies for each scout so I can restore Scoutbook if needed (happened twice before) Looks like this time it fixed itself. Progress?

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