Missing Record in Scoutbook

Nearly all of one of our Scout’s advancement rank record has been wiped out in Scoutbook. He achieved and was recognized as Second Class at our Fall 2020 COH and he has been steadily making progress on First Class. Scoutbook has him listed as a Tenderfoot. As all of our meetings have recently been done virtually, the only sign-offs on his rank advancement had been in Scoutbook by our leaders. Is there a way to retrieve past information?

You might need to sit down with leader to learn SB - looking at your account and your Scouts - I see they have earned First class 3/13/2021?

Thank you for you response, however, this is not about my particular scout. I am one of the Advancement Chairs and one of the other scouts in my Troop () has lost all of his data since making Tenderfoot. He had requirements signed off and has received his Second Class rank. All of the Second Class requirements that were previously signed off on are now missing. I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else. We were having issues with this particular record last year prior to recharter because this scout was a transfer and he kept being deleted from our Troop record. Now, this issue. So just asking for assistance as most of the requirements were signed off on online and not in person so that they are in his physical scoutbook.

Deatrice Williams (T96 Advancement)


Post the Scout’s Member ID (no name) and we will investigate.

OK @DeatriceWilliams I see the Scout - I see most things marked off for 2nd and 1st class - I have never seen a earned rank just disappear though - 2nd is not recorded in SB or AKELA.

my best advice on 2nd class is make an educated guess on completion date and enter that - there is no indication in any of the databases or backups that it was ever entered completed or approved.

Thank you for your assistance. I wasn’t sure about putting a name; now I know to just use the BSA ID# as well.

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