Scoutbook missing data of completed rank requirements

Scoutbook is missing data of completed requirements for scouts. Attached is an Individual Advancement Report for one of my scouts from 9/26/24 and one from 1/8/25. Many of his completed requirements from 2nd class and 1st class are missing. I have multiple scouts that this has happened for…

I see from another post that there is a data restoration in process. Is this still going on or should I re-enter all the missing completion dates?

member id: 132754571 I can provide others if needed

Mark Oetinger
GFC Council Advancement Chair

@MarkOetinger all that is needed are the MIDs - the reports have PII you do not want to share in public forums.

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@MarkOetinger I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green envelope > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

I have the same issue. Scout’s BSA # is 135051913. I had another scout that was corrected a few days ago, but this one’s still missing stuff from 2nd Class and 1st Class.

@JamesCoile noted for you

@MarkOetinger the more BSA # you can provide here or in the private message the more data it gives Devs for research

It’s not all scouts. I see 4 scouts of 19 scouts in our troop affected. I don’t see any MB completions affected, just the lower ranks.

135961919 Some 1st class requirement completions missing
132680973 Lost Tenderfoot Requirement compilations but Is already a First Class scout and all 2nd/1st class completions are there
132754571 Already reported
137220053 I already re-entered this scouts tenderfoot, 2nd class and 1st class requirement completions.

My concern as Council Advancement Chair is how many troops/scouts are affected? Is this going to be a manual recovery or something fixed by national? Am I going to have to communicate it to the Key 3 of each troop in council? We have a council advancement committee meeting next Wednesday where I will be updating the team and staff on this issue.

Thanks for your Help

Mark Oetinger
GFC Council Advancement Chair

All Data is safe - what we understand (kind of) is that for some scouts the wrong version of rank was restored so that is being cleaned up. Issue is being actively worked


Thanks for the info. A couple for questions?

  1. If the issue is being actively worked, there is no need for troops to identify scouts impacted by this and give you member ids, correct?

2 Are you aware of any timeline for the issue to be resolved?

Mark Oetinger.

  1. MIDs help team make sure of fix by seeing examples - though from an Advancement Chair standpoint getting a whole council worried makes your job less fun - so I will leave that to you.
  2. BSA does not release timelines
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Correction- that scout’s missing stuff from Tenderfoot and 1st Class, not 2nd Class and 1st Class.


I see the scouts identified from my troop have been fixed. Do you know if the issue has been fixed for ALL scouts?


According to this post, it should be for all scouts:

@DonovanMcNeil I have a similar problem. We have formed a girls troop (T966G) in Torrance CA. One of the girls that transferred in has 2 BSA IDs neither of them appeared to have any information no matter which BSA ID the parent made primary. Under the old troop they had the information about all the merit badges earned, etc and it appeared in scoutbook. So they gave me the information for everything and I input it over the weekend. However, all her cub scout information (including the arrow of light) is missing and I cant enter it. Can you look and see what can be done. (removed by Moderator) BSA IDS: 136866218 and 140988079. Scoutbook IDS are 13775818 and 11163599

@JamesTurner5 is the Scout Active in 2 councils at once - or only active in T966? There is a Venture Crew in WLACC

And AOL was never entered into the system

Let me find out. As far as I know, she is only active in T966G. Per her parents. Gwyneth did get her arrow of light - in April 2022. She was in cub scouts since 3rd grade.

After her arrow of light, she joined scouts BSA in June 2022 - she originally joined the Hermosa girls troop, but we quickly switched to the Torrance troop due to schedules.

So i think that this is her 3rd Troop.

What Donovan is saying that even though she may have earned the AOL, it was never entered into the system.

Gwyneth was never active in a Venture troop.

She started in a Hermosa troop - but switched due to schedules shortly after joining - she did no ranks or merit badges with hermosa troop.

She was with Torrance troop for 2 years (310G).

The only troop she is with now should be 966.

@Matt.Johnson Thanks. I have no idea what cub scout information was ever entered by her cub scout pack. The only thing I had from her parents was the scoutbook history report from T310G. So can her AOL get entered by you or do I have to have her parents scan the AOL card, or something else.