Scoutbook missing rank and mb info

I have a scout who , starting this morning, is missing all of his rank advancement in 2nd and 1st class. ID # 134326154
Last year, merit badges were missing as well, seems to still be there but has been an ongoing problem

@keithknight1 do you have anything that shows the progress? we can setup a Direct message so you can securely share it if needed


I have this file but I dont see even a log for 1st class

@keithknight1 that does not look like a Scoutbook Report - is that from a 3rd Party like Troopmaster

we only use scoutbook so not sure why it looks like that

OK had not looked at CSV in a while - might take time being a holiday

Did you happen to grab the PDF at the same time? I can send you a direct message

I cant find it. I may or may not have a paper copy would have to dig

When staff get back they can check database

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@keithknight1 were first and Second completed - or just some requirements done? if #2 does it look good now?

We have a bunch of scouts missing rank requirements. Im not sure about merit badges yet.

I dont know what the pattern is yet. So i have a second class scout that is now a scout, another kids who was tenderfoot with no rank. Its not that they have no rank information but its like something fell back to a snapshot of a year + ago.

second completed. not sure which of 1st class but not everything

A Script was run for Scouts with 2 versions of the same rank that went wrong - the more examples of MIDs (BSA#s) with what is missing (Requirements or the whole thing) we can get the better for the team for better research

I had a parent reach out to me this morning, bc their Life Scout is missing his First Class rank. He earned it on 1/9/24. BSA MID 137113072. I’m having her check to see if there’s any missing mbs that were completed & earned. So far, she thinks that a partial was zeroed out for Family Life, but needs to verify it.

@MelissaVallet noted for developers

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