Welcome! This forum has a treasure trove of great info – Scouters helping Scouters! Just a heads up, though - all content, information, and opinions shared on this forum are those of the author, not the BSA.
Why can some people connect me as their MBC and others either 1) can’t find me, 2) can add me as a connection that never shows (I also don’t get an email to accept) OR 3) can find me but it doesn’t show one of the MBs I cover (but shows some of the others)?
Did your council upload its MBC list? If you go to My Dashboard → Administration → My Account → My Positions is the list of MBs grayed out? If it is, your council uploaded the list.
Does more than one MBC position show under My Positions? What do you have Listing Preference and Availability set to?
The setting for these Merit Badges are Council (highest option available) and I checked the box to agree to be on the unit roster list
Phil Verdecchia was trying to add me to his son as a Genealogy MBC and when he searched by either my name or my email only 4 of my MBs were showing up & genealogy wasn’t one of them.
Another parent, Colleen Bighley also had problems adding me as the Painting MBC for her son (and I had already worked with him previously).
Sorry, there was an error in my instructions which I have corrected. You found the My Positions page though.
Please send an e-mail to scoutbook.support@scouting.org with name, BSA#, council and unit and explain what is happening. Please post the SSD number you receive in the subject of one of the automated replies so we can ask the developers to investigate. I do not see anything that would prevent a leader from finding your MBC listing for all of your MBs.