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For one of our newest Scouts, in his connection manager he has four adult leaders from his prior Cub Scout Pack displaying they are members of our Scouts BSA Troop. None of them show up on our Troop roster in Scoutbook. To my knowledge they haven’t ever been enrolled as a Troop leader or parent in the Troop.
Is this a bug in Scoutbook or some issue with their accounts in Scoutbook?
@DaveBuckley most likely they retained a connection until the transfer was completed by council. You should be able to remove them. I have done the very same thing for 5 years now. It is a safeguard in case something on the pack side was missed.
Yes there were other Cub Scount leaders whom retained connection but those show correctly as under their Cub Scout Pack and not our Troop.
Unfortunately the Scout has moved out of town and we are just keeping our connection to him until he gets all of his advancements and partials recognized by his new council and unit.
There is a bug with how some connections are displayed.
What you can do is go to:
[Scout name]'s Connections
and remove the pack leader connections that are no longer needed. Click on the name of the pack leader, then scroll down to “Delete Connection” at the bottom.