Cubmaster not connected to new scout


I am the Cubmaster for our Pack, we just added a new Scout (paper application turned in to Council) and on the Roster it says that I am not connected to the Scout Under Connections Manager it shows that I have Full Control but in My Connections it says that I can only view their profile. I am listed as the Pack Admin and I have Full Control of all other Scouts, just not this one. I did send an invite to the Scouts parent to connect but I figured that as Cubmaster and Pack Admin I wouldnt need to do so.

Thanks for any assistance.


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Please send an e-mail to describing the problem with the Scout’s name, BSA Member ID, unit and council. When you get back an automated e-mail with an SSD number in the subject, post the number here. You should be connected with full control. We will have the developers look into the problem.

or you could try going to the roster then your name then click on your positions, then on unit admin and update.

“or you could try going to the roster then your name then click on your positions, then on unit admin and update.”

This worked for me, thanks!!!


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