Connections Manager (and therefore Permissions by Position) timing out! URGENT

Ok. Should I just keep checking back in my account?

Fixes to significant items that affect a number of people like this (as well as notice of new features) are usually posted to the Scoutbook Change Log forum: Scoutbook Change Log - Scouting Forums, as well as responded to in the thread that raised them.

If you’re subscribed to receive notices on threads to which you have posted, you should get an email notice if a fix is posted here.

I’m not sure how long it will take.

Out of curiosity, @MargaretTerrill, can you check for two pieces of information:

  1. Does the official roster show you in your correct position, or did something mess that up (which could be impacting the downstream behavior)?
  2. Does your BSA ID in match the one listed in → My Dashboard → Administration → My Account → Edit Profile? A mismatch there might suggest that there’s a “duplicate account” issue occurring for some reason.
  1. shows me as committee chair and COR (both current positions I hold).
  2. My BSA ID is the same under both accounts.

Rats. So much for the “easy” causes. Sounds like it’s “wait on the developers” time.

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It appears to be working again. Thank you for your help!!

Yes, the fix just went in this morning.

Any update on the original issue in this thread?

The developers are still working on Connection Manager issues.

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@JoeMcKinley Take a look at Connections Manager now, and let us know if it’s fixed for you. It now works for my largest unit which previously failed.