Cannot open, as it takes more than a minute, which causes the browser to timeout.
This is a serious issue, as we cannot set access permissions.
Cannot open, as it takes more than a minute, which causes the browser to timeout.
This is a serious issue, as we cannot set access permissions.
have you gone to Roster and clicked Clean Old Connections first to get rid of ones no longer needed?
Yes, all old connections have been cleaned up.
How many scouts and adult leaders do you have?
It is timing out for one of my units too.
We have 108 adults (leaders/parents) and 72 current scouts.
However, there is a long history of probably another 100+ scouts that have aged out or dropped who still have connections to many of those adults. As an admin, I have no access to clean those connections up. I’m not sure if the code is even written in a way that old adult to ex-scout connections even matters.
Are the developers aware of this issue?
I too am unable to go to the Connections Manager.
My Unit ID: 55643
I have 52 Adult Leaders and 104 Youth
I get the message Error Loading Page
Please advise!!
My connections were updated and position were updated. Yesterday I could see reports and generate reports. Today, I’m unable to pull rosters and there are no reports.
@AndrewArmstrong, it kinda sounds like you might have fallen off of the adult leader roster, so you might check with one of your unit Key 3 (CM/SM,CC,COR) to verify that you are on the official unit roster at If you’re not there, something is messed up with your registration, and you need to coordinate with your unit and council registrar to get that fixed first.
This discussion is assuming that your BSA registration is current and matches with the registration info (BSA ID, etc) in your Scoutbook account. Depending on your position, you might have lost a Scoutbook Admin role along the way. Check under My Positions for a Troop/Pack Admin role that was ended recently. If it still looks active, try going to:
My Dashboard → Administration → My Units → Unit # → Unit Roster → Your Name → Current Positions
click into the unit-level Admin role, uncheck and recheck Position Approved, then click the red Update button. If your Unit Admin position is in the Past Positions section, you likely need to talk to another Unit Admin (CM/SM, CC, COR plus any others they designated in Scoutbook) about reapproving your Scoutbook Unit Admin role.
The developers are working on Connection Manager issues.
OK, I hope this fixes the issues. All of the leaders in our Troop, including the 3 key, were removed. Yikes!
If your Key 3 still have access to my.scouting, they might want to review the unit roster to make sure there wasn’t some other issue that came up. It seems weird that every leader vanished (i.e. broader than a Connection Manager issue).
@AndrewArmstrong I have requested a position sync for your Scoutmaster and Troop Committee Chair.
However, they still appear to be Troop Admins in Scoutbook, so they should be able to go through the Troop Roster page, remove the Date Ended on their Scoutmaster / Committee Chair positions, and re-approve them.
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