Connections Question

I have a family that wishes to restrict access for one parent from being able to see anything financial on the scout’s account. What connection disables their view of the Scout’s payment log but still be able to see advancements or is that even an option?

  • View Advancement?
  • View Profile?


A unit leader or another parent cannot remove a parent connection from a Scout. It can be done by council staff but they typically will only do so with a court order revoking parental rights.

I’m not removing anyone, they want to add a parent to the account that is not the primary with the limited access I described.

Parent comes with Full Control - there is no way around that if defined as a parent. If just made an Adult and not a parent it could be done, but I think View Profile would still see Payment Log - @GaryFeutz ??

There is no way to change permissions to restrict a parent from viewing a payment log.

Leaders require full control to see payment logs.

@GaryFeutz so View Profile cannot see Payment Log? So the person could be plan connection (not Parent) with View Profile/ View Advancement and not see Payment Log?

Since there seems to be an impasse on the part where it is a parent, let’s say for sake of argument that it is an aunt or an uncle that is working with the scout at home and wants to be able to view the scouts account for advancements but the parent does not want the aunt or uncle to be able to see the payment log. Is there a setting for that?

If the person is a registered leader in the unit, with no parent connection, with View Advancement permissions to the Scout, they would see advancements, but not a payment log.

Any adult in Scoutbook must either be a registered leader or parent.

Understood. Thank you.

@GaryFeutz What about other family member?

Other family members should be fine. They can’t see payment logs either. I haven’t looked to see how they behave in SB+ though…

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