Council Blackpug export

Black Pug does allow the council to extract a file that can be uploaded to Scoutbook. The problem is that the Scoutbook import process requires the BSA Member ID, but that isn’t usually collected in event registration process. So if it wasn’t collected, then the council needs to edit the file to add these numbers before doing the upload.

Individual units have two options. They can also add the BSA Member ID’s to the file before uploading, or they can use the “Feature Assistant Extension for Scoutbook” Chrome extension, which maps the Scouts in the Black Pug file to the Scouts in Scoutbook (and adds the BSA member ID behind the scenes).

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Is the council upload documented somewhere?

Event administrators (i.e. the council or district) can go to the event’s “Reporting” screen where they’ll find a “Customer Reports” section. These are the same reports the unit leaders can run themselves from within their registrations, with the difference being that when the event administrator runs from this screen, they’re pulling data for their entire event. One of these reports is the Scoutbook Export.

Ok. That is good to know, but is only “half way”. Is there a council wide import to Scoutbook or IA? I have never heard of one.

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Not yet :wink::grinning:

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I’m curious what you mean by “half way.” The event administrator goes in at the event level to run these exports. Are you asking if the council can run it for all their events at once? The answer is no, and we have never considered doing that, primarily because each event is doing their own merit badges and might be in different places in the process. For example, a council may run two summer camps. One camp has all the requirements updated and ready to go on Friday night but the other does it all Sunday morning.

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Thank you Bill! I sent you the file.

If a council runs it as one mega export report, there is no mega council wide import. Those still need to be done on a unit by unit basis, no? That is the half. District / council wide export, but no district or council wide import. That would be the other half. No?

Now I understand, and yes you are correct. Thanks for the clarification.

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It is an interesting prospect - my council uploads all members to BP once a year at least, so those MIDs are there.

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Like I said earlier. Not yet. :wink:

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I was going to point out that same thing. Our council keeps the MIDs updated. They do this to confirm that all scouts and adults are registered members when they sign up for camp etc.

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