Creating "Duplicate" of old event in IA calendar

I’m trying out the IA calendar and when I try to duplicate an old event the function does not work. Is there a “How to” on this. I can do this in Scoutbook with the feature extension, but its very clunky, and will be going away soon.

We are a “linked troop” so please make sure this function works for linked troops too in the new IA calendar.

The linked troop seems to break lots of functionality in Scoutbook, hoping this is corrected in the new IA interface. Especially hoping we can update all events with new scouts with a click instead of having to go to each event.

@WilliamChapman - is this what you see:


There is a known issue with the duplicate function.

As of this morning, I do not see any error, but the function does not work. Nothing is duplicated or copied…just blank fields as if I created a new event.

Watch the change log. When it is fixed, it will be announced there

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