I am looking for a way as a Cubmaster as well as a Den Leader to generate a report of all requirements not completed for a specific rank.
For example as a Bear Den Leader I would like a PDF or CSV File of all requirements required for Bear Rank not completed by a Scout to provide to the parent.
In addition I would like to create a second report in PDF or CSV that shows a parent what Adventures have been started but not completed and what requirements remain.
Go to Legacy Scoutbook (scoutbook.scouting.org) > go to Unit > Report > Report Builder > there you can make about any report you want and even share them within your unit for others to use
Can you provide more direction?
@PaulIsaacson you click the Report Builder Manager at the top > then click Cub Scouts > then a screen with tons of report options opens for you, you choose what you want > Select Scouts or Den > and RUN - if you like it you can save it for future use
I hope you can understand that the number of options is overwhelming…
If I wanted to create a report for each Den type with the Scouts Sorted by Last Name and incomplete requirements are these the options that should be selected?
The reports run pretty quickly, you can save the configuration, and you can revise the configuration and re-save. So, I tend to experiment a bit with the options I choose to get just what I want.
I think I would add “Show % Complete”, “Show Dates” and “Show Adventure Requirements” to the tickboxes, to get the individual requirements included. That might just be personal preference, or a residual misunderstanding of which options do what.
ETA: I also tend to include the BSA ID in the reports.
You might also consider the Cub Scout History Report as what you provide to the parents. That’s a one-scout-at-a-time report, versus the more tabular structure of the Report Builder reports (which are aimed more at what unit scouters might need to execute or evaluate program).
that would get you close - with Rank Reqs checked not sure if you need elective adventures checked also - would just need to play with it
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In the event that this post is ever looked at by someone else this is the selections I made
You can create these reports at the beginning of the year but if new Scouts are added to the Den or a new year occurs the Saved Report will need to be changed and updated since the selections pull information based on the Scouts Selected and not just the Den Name or Den Type.
I would like to ask (and point out) what the Silver Award Symbol means in the report since it is not addressed in the legend on the bottom of the report.
@PaulIsaacson if you select dens - then just click the Auto -Select New Scouts - and it stays up to date for Scout additions
That is good to know, what about the meaning of that Silver Award Symbol?
not sure on Silver - I do not see it - we can setup a screenshare if you want to take a look - or at bottom of the report screen there is a REF # - you can post that and I can pass it along
I’ve never seen it before, either. Out of curiosity, does it have a tool-tip if you hover in the HTML report? Alternatively, what does it show for that advancement item in Scoutbook+
ref: PD-20250306135228-298348-567420
Silver metal means awarded in requirement level (such as an adventure requirement). - that is being added to the legend
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Thank you DonovanMcNeil,
By chance is their a YouTube (or other video platform) source that can be shared with parents on how to us ScoutBook+ for recording requirements done at home?
you can check at help.scoutbook.scouting.org - but I am not sure on a video.
Most of those resources are relevant to the old system which we’re not supposed to be using anymore or the information is relevant to Scouting (age 11 to 18) and not Cub Scouting; which I feel would cause confusion for the Parents I am working with as a CM and DL, looking at the platform ( help.scoutbook.scouting.org.
I think National BSA / National Scouting America should consider using something like Scribe (https://scribehow.com/) to create step by step guides for parents on how to do certain basic tasks. In a world of “information now” and “video” over “text” I think many people (myself included) go to YouTube first for answers. The information there is mostly volunteer created.
All that being said the source “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTaM_thOC38” was buried in the link you provided under
Scoutbook Plus
Getting Started With Scoutbook Plus
Introduction to Scoutbook Plus for Cub Scout Packs
“Introduction to Scoutbook Plus for Cub Scout Packs - Scoutbook Knowledge Base”
If a parent searches on Youtube for “Cub Scouts Scoutbook for Parents” they have to scroll past 18 video results (all older than 2 years) till they get to something relevant to the new system and the provided video in my previous comment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mTaM_thOC38
@PaulIsaacson - Scouting America has no control over the youtube content related to Scoutbook. Many of these were made when scoutbook was a private developed product. I will add that parents can use the scouting app to log advancement, service, etc.
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