Cub Scout Advancement Report

I am the Unit Advancement Chair with associated privileges.

I have a den leader asking for a report of the progress their scouts have made on various adventures. We found the option for getting reports on what has been awarded, but are not finding reports for those in progress for the entire den.

Is there something that meets this or should I drop by the “feature request” area?

You can use the Report Builder tool to design a report to track progress on advancement. There is not, to my knowledge, a “canned” report that specifically shows complete/incomplete advancement requirements.

Report Builder (for now) is located in Legacy Scoutbook ( for admins - under Unit> Reports > Report Builder - there you can give all kinds of parameters for a report.

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Thanks for the response.

I couldn’t find the report builder, but was able to get it from:
Unit > Pack Reports > Report Builder Manager > (side menu) Cub Scouts
This may be easier for folks with admin permissions (and not just advancement chair) based on @DonovanMcNeil’s response. Either I’m looking in the wrong spot or it might not be presented to me even though I have permissions to run the reports.

I took another look at the report builder and I think I was able to select the options to get the report I was looking for.

For posterity:
at the top settings: select “show adventure requirements” and “pivoted presentation” (optional)
in the selections: select the den(s) of interest and associated adventures of interest

yeah show requirements vs Show % just depends on the leader - if they want to know if some is missing without knowing exactly what. All depends on what they are trying to achieve, which makes the Custom Builder nice

@AllenKummer Ask your Committee Chair to log in at my.Scouting and use the Position Manager to grant you the functional role of Unit Advancement Chair. You will need to wait for an overnight sync process to run, but the next day you will have more permissions.

@JenniferOlinger thanks for the comment. The former Advancement Chair and Pack Admin configured me as the Advancement Chair weeks ago, and it shows that next to my name on the roster.

We did notice we had to follow the procedure here to add “edit advancement” privileges when I could only see the advancement for my Den when creating a PO/order.

Are permissions assigned differently when a key 3 assigns a role as compared to when another admin assigns a role?

The functional positions assigned in my.scouting (by Key 3/Key 3 Delegates) are different from the roles assigned in Scoutbook (by K3, K3D, or Unit Admis). Scoutbook Plus (SB+) is more closely tied to the actual registered positions and functional positions. In addition, the functional role of Advancement Chair in my.scouting automatically connects the scouter to whom it is assigned with all of the youth in the unit. In contrast, the Scoutbook role requires that the connections all be manually added/maintained, or that the scouter also be assigned as a Unit Admin. If some of the scouts aren’t connected to the scouter, the reports don’t work in many cases.

@AllenKummer - here is an example of what functional roles are in

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Oh, this is very helpful!

Thanks for pointing out and explaining these differences. I’ll work with the key 3 to get properly assigned permissions.
