As the Advancement Chair, I added final requirements for a Den to achieveme their Ranks. The Adventures and requirements submitted, the Rank shows as the current rank for each scout, but only the Adventure Loops are showing on the PO and Advancement Report. I double checked, ran a Den Report, all good at 100%. Went in to award the ranks again, but the scout names are greyed out, and unselectable (probably because they earned the rank). The Den leader want to go to get the achievements at the Council store, but I can produce a record for the Rank badge awards.
Are the items approved? post a scout BSA # and we can look along with the specific rank
Hello Donovan, thank you for you help to me, and others. If its not approved, I’ll feel silly. I know I Leader Approved the Adventures. Here is one of the eight members of the den.
I appreciate you.
@AaronForste This Scout’s Wolf rank is marked as Completed, but not Approved. It needs to be marked as Approved before it will show up on the PO or Advancement Report.
I am so grateful to you and the team of you who help us all out. I searched for a solution for hours, and one mention from you guys and its all fixed. THANK YOU! I have them approved now and will get the fresh POs and AR to the Den leader.