Customize Email for Invitation Manager

Feature Request:

As a unit leader, I want to be able to create and select template emails in Invitation Manager, so that I can send unit or event specific information to leads.

In the current configuration, when I click Send Email, the email and subject line are poorly worded and basically useless. If I have a join night or do a school meet & greet event, enter the leads into Invitation Manager, and use that function I have to manually delete the pre-filled email and subject line and replace them with something useful.

@DaveMorris - i think you should bring this up with your council and they can route it to national.

What does it say today?


“Thank You for Inquiring about [UNIT_TYPE_#]”

// About should be capitalized. We end up replacing the whole subject line to identify it as “Cub Scouts Pack 123”, because many people that are new don’t understand what “Pack 123” is without context.



// We can deal, but in our area, “Dear” is too formal.

Thank you for inquiring about [UNIT_TYPE_#]. The question/comment you submitted is: “[LEAD_QUESTION/COMMENT]”. I will try to supply the requested information below. Please let me know if you have any further concerns, so we can assist in welcoming you to [UNIT_TYPE_#].

// Sounds robotic, doesn’t allow you to actually put in any useful info. The whole thing gets replaced with standard info.


// Who uses their full middle name in a signature block?


[UNIT_TYPE_#] = e.g., Pack/Troop/Crew/Ship 123. This is reasonable, except that our pack does not use the first digit of the official number, i.e., we have been Pack 167 for almost 40 years, but we’re in the system officially as 3167 because somewhere along the line, our council decided to add a number at the beginning of certain units for some administrative reason, even though the units don’t actually use the first digit in practice.

[LEAD_FIRST_LAST] = whatever the user put in the “Request More Information” form or the Invitation Manager user puts in the “New Lead” form. This seems useful.

[LEAD_QUESTION/COMMENT] = whatever the user put in the “Questions or Comments:” field on the “Request More Information” form or “no comment”. Which is useless if they don’t put a specific comment or if the lead was collected from a sign in sheet.

[USER_FIRST_MIDDLE_LAST] = the Invitation Manager user’s full legal name, which is awkward because it includes my middle name and the legal version of my first instead of Dave.

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Thanks. I agree it is awkward.

I can’t agree more. The canned “invitation letter” that the the “Invitation Manger” sends out is so awkward, stilted and improperly spaced, that it’s a wonder that ANYONE who receives it actually feels good about joining. I can’t understand why there is no feasible way that Unit Leaders can edit/replace it with one that is better suited/customized to their Units. As a New Member Coordinator, I was so embarassed that I sent another , customized invitation to our new lead.

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