Cyber Chip Reports in Report Builder

I’d love to see a quick report that I could build across the pack to show who has earned the cyber chip award patch (with the initial earn date) and is now eligible to receive the recharge pin (with the last earned cyber chip date). We have cubs come and go at all levels, and each den could have a new scout or two every year, so rank or den is not an absolute predictor of those who the advancement chair should buy the patch versus the pin for. We also switch advancement chair about every 18 months, so the new chair doesn’t always know who the new scouts are by memory to know that they couldn’t have gotten a patch already. Before I became chair, my cub received 3 of these patches/cards (and no pins) just because that’s how the workflow for approval to purchase order works.

It would be great to not have to go in to each scout’s advancement page every time cyber chip is added to the purchase order to figure out what exactly should be purchased for that scout. Is a purchase distinction or possible solo item checkmark for the report builder in the works for this?