Most cubs in the Tiger den have completed the Cyber Chip requirement. It is marked as done under “Advancement – Tiger Rank Requirements – 4(a)”. This is not showing up on the advancement reports. Advice please. A couple is scout ID’s are 13907964 and 13898847.
Which report? How are you accessing it?
Scoutbook to Internet Advancement to Reports. This is the report that I take to Scout office to get patches/pins/loops and give to scouts monthly.
I see 4a completed in Scoutbook and scout profille.
Cyber Chip is a specific award. You need to mark that complete for it to appear on the Advancement Report. Scoutbook does not tie the requirement to the award because of the way the BSA wrote the Protect Yourself Rules adventure option.
Go to the Scout’s Awards page and complete/approve Cyber Chip.
If you are using Scoutbook, you can generate an advancement report after creating a Purchase Order via the Needs Purchasing report.
The requirements are very different between the ‘advancement’ and ‘awards’ area in Scoutbook. I will let Den Leader know to mark completed in the awards section.Thank you.
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