We had several AOLers transfer to our troop late March. 2 Scouts transfers did not go smoothly and they have just been added to Scoutbook. One of the Scouts attended our New Scout Skills camp in early April and earned his Scout rank and Totin Chip. His membership is showing as May 2, 2023. When I enter his Scout Rank and Totin Chip date as 4/2/2023 will there be an issue?
It should not matter - But have never tried that
Looks like our leader already entered the Scout Rank. Should he continue on to Eagle, his Eagle Rank application will show a date joined BSA as May 2023 and Individual Advancement Record will show Scout Rank as April 2023.
The IAR is not required for the Eagle Application Process. Only Dates on the Eagle App are looked at - it is common to have lags in membership dates due to one thing or another
Our Council requires either photocopies of the rank pages in their handbook or the IAR from Scoutbook when submitting their Eagle Rank Application. edited to add, we had a Scouts application kicked back by council because a merit badge completed date was out of range.
"When turning in the Eagle Scout Rank Applications to be processed you must include a copy of the individual advancement report or copies of ALL blue cards and copies of the completed rank advancement pages from the Scout’s Scouts BSA Handbook. The advancement report should come from Scoutbook, Internet Advancement, or other forms of advancement tracking. Please make sure the Date Earned is next to each Merit Badge and Rank Advancement. "
The date joined on the Eagle Scout application gets pulled from the “Date Joined Scouts BSA” field on the Scout’s profile in Internet Advancement. This data field is editable.
This is VERY helpful information!
@CD32 - why does that seem like adding requirements and certainly something against the guide to advancement
yeah seems like something left over from the 70’s or 80’s
@JenniferOlinger Thanks!. I will update that.
Your Council is adding to requirements which they cannot do. I suggest having a discussion with the Council staff member responsible for advancement and ask them to show you where in the Guide to Advancement it says they can require Blue Cards or the IAR.
@CD32 - if you dont want to contact them i most certainly will. This is wrong on many levels
@Stephen_Hornak go right ahead. Please don’t use me, I have to live here. Having looked into the Guide to advancement, any questions on the councils part regarding documentation will need the individual advancement report
The Dates of every needed advancement are part of the National Advancement Database (Scoutbook). Before that they were in AKELA. Paper proof has not been needed for decades. There is even a verification tool, to push a button to see if all lines up for registrars.
@CD32 - wrong wrong wrong again… please do note the section where that is stated specifically… just to entertain me
Email sent to your Council Advancement Chair asking for a clarification on WHY they have their own requirements
Even better I have my scout handbook… eight edition third printing which has no sign-off or check lists or log pages… wonder how I made it through scouting back then and that is 1972
- Attachments: Service project workbook, statement of
ambitions and life purpose, and listing of positions,
honors, and awards. Other attachments, such as unit
records or individual history reports, shall not be
required to process the application unless a
discrepancy is discovered. I look at it as if it is sent in with the application it is one less step to deal with later.