Records not syncing to council


I’m the advancement chair for my district. One of our troops has a scout whose advancement can’t be seen by the council and so they’re not approving his Eagle application for scheduling his board.

They are using Troopmaster and import to Scoutbook. His Scoutbook account shows all of his advancements, but council can’t see any ScoutsBSA ranks, only merit badges and other awards.

His BSA ID number is 128602240

His unit advancement chair is @LeeDraggoo

I can see the Scout’s advancements in Scoutbook.

What’s odd is that is ranks are marked as “Awarded”, but not “Approved”.

What I would recommend is have Lee go into Scoutbook:

Starting with Life rank, click on the box next to where it says “Completed” and remove the checkbox where it says “Awarded”, and then save.
Then work repeat the process (Star, First Class, etc.).
Then starting with Scout rank, mark them as “Approved” and “Awarded”, and work back up to Life.


I see his LIfe rank in both Scoutbook and Akela with a date of 12/1/21. I see 26 MBs in Scoutbook and Akela.

These are the only databases that contain advancement. Your council may need to open a ticket with Member Care if they cannot validate the Scout’s Eagle application.

@edavignon The ranks are not Approved in Scoutbook. Not sure how they were marked as Awarded, but that seems to be what is happening.

@JenniferOlinger Will them not being marked as approved keep the council from seeing them?

@Dave_K Yes, they need to be marked as Approved in order for council to see them.

All of the ranks were approved. I double checked them before the posting. I attempted to “unapproved” his record, but I get a message “You cannot edit this rank requirement because it’s already approved.” I started with Life, as suggested, but got this message immediately. @Dave_K

@LeeDraggoo With your permission, I would like to make myself a unit Admin in your troop to take a better look.

Sure, I would like the help. This has never happened in the 3yrs that I have done Advancement.

We are looking at A.S. (removed by Moderator)

@LeeDraggoo Go ahead and mark the Scout’s Scout rank as “Awarded”.

Everything looks Approved now. Earlier, they did not appear to be Approved.

I think your council should be able to see everything tomorrow.

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Done. @Dave_K and I were going through it last night. Hopefully, this will do the trick… It is funny, as I had done nothing differently for AS than for any other scout. Weird glitch ???

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Thank you, @JnniferOlinger !

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