Deleting a leader not associated with scout or unit

Hi, @JeremyPenner,

There’s a related discussion going on here.

Looks like the only ways to remove that errant Cubmaster connection is:

  1. Make sure that the scout’s membership in the pack is actually ended.
  2. Ask the Cubmaster to remove him or herself.
  3. If they can’t/won’t, send an email to and explain the situation. Provide the information about the scout and the connection (name, BSA ID, current unit, connection that should have been ended and why) so that they can both fix the issue and try to figure out why it didn’t auto-magically get cleared on the transfer.

Theoretically, these connections are supposed to go away when the scouts are moved into the new units, but there seem to be a lot of us with “leftover” connections.

On second thought, it might be worth sending the email to just so that they can document the issue before the connection gets removed.

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