I am trying to produce a simple alphabetical youth roster for a Scouts BSA unit. I go to Print Roster, then I choose the unit and all youth. This produces a report with two sections: “Youth Members” and then a separate section for “Den Chief Members”. The three scouts who happen to be serving as Den Chiefs are listed only in the Den Chief section and not in the Youth Members Section . This looks like a report that would work for Cub Scouts but it is keeping me from producing a simple roster of all of my scouts. Can this be fixed so we can produce a single roster of our scouts? I have run this report before without this problem so looks like a new issue (our Den Chiefs are not new).
Try using Rooster Builder for it @ConstanceF
That’s what I’m in. Choosing “Print Roster” in Scoutbook directs to “Roster Builder”.
OH I see issue - that was added for Packs - I mentioned it to team - thanks
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Yes I see how that would be a nice feature for Packs so hoping the team can fix the Scouts BSA roster and let the Packs have this new feature- thank you for referring,
@ConstanceF this should be fixed now
Looks great now. Thanks so much!
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