Den Leader Experience view?

Hi there!

I’m new to using Scoutbook as a unit advancement chair and still learning about the features. A den leader just showed me a view in Den Leader Experience that allows him to see progress of all the Scouts in his den towards their rank requirements and it was a really nice visual! Is there a way for the Unit Advancement Chair to see something like that for the whole pack? If so, how do I access that?



DLE is ONLY for Den Leaders but due to some major deficiencies, many of us recommend it not be used.

As Unit Advancement Chair you can use Report Builder to build yourself reports to see the progress of the pack.


If you select pack roster in Scoutbook you are able to click the “Gear” symbol in the upper right hand corner of the Scout list to select “roster preferences”. You can sort it by den and also % to next rank. That will show how close each scout is to their next rank.

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My hero! This is so helpful. Thanks!

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