Do reminders go to everyone, regardless of RSVP status? Can we send reminders only to people who haven't RSVP'd?

By default, leaders, scouts, and parents have the default of “Maybe”. A lot of people have taken the approach that if they didn’t do say “Yes”, they meant “No”. So there’s a couple of approaches I’m trying:

One would be to have the default be “No”. There doesn’t seem to be a setting for this in Scoutbook so I’d have to do it by hand. I’m not crazy about this because I might forget or somebody might substitute for me and not know or remember.

Another would be to not get reminders if you answer “No”. In a limited test with my wife and son as well as myself, we all got reminders even though I set the response to “No”. This doesn’t seem friendly - if I said “No”, I don’t want reminders.

Are there any suggestions for best practices here?

The reminders automatically go to everyone invited, regardless of rsvp status. The feature assistant extension has a feature that allows you to send an email to certain status groups, but it won’t be scheduled.

Feature Assistant seems like it will do the trick. We just need to develop some habits with manually sending out messages before the event. Thank you.


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