Duplicate scout accounts-- can they be merged?


We have a scout who has somehow ended up with two scoutbook accounts-- one he can access, and one he cannot. Unfortunately, the one he cannot is the one associated with our troop.

We see him listed in the troop as account ID 140141641.

When he logs in with his gmail account, he sees himself as unaffiliated with the troop as account id 1309598.

Would it be possible to merge the two accounts, so that when he logs in with his gmail account he sees the advancement from 140141641?

Also, there’s a typo on his first name. It should have a final extra letter “o” at the end. (Roberto)

thank you!

Mike Hicks

@MichaelHicks1 I am looking in to this for you.

@MichaelHicks1 This Scout’s Scoutbook accounts have been merged.

However, the Scout also has 2 usernames (logins) at my.Scouting:

One is a regular username (not an e-mail address).
The other has Google sign in turned on.

Which username would the Scout like to keep? We can retire the other one. There have been some reports of youth having difficulty signing in with Google sign in (due to a change that Google made), so I would recommend against keeping the one with Google sign in turned on.

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@JenniferOlinger Thank you!

I’ll trust whatever you recommend, so lets go with the regular username. If he’s forgotten what he set up as the username, is there a way for him to recover it somehow?

thank you,



If he forgot the username or the password, he should be able to reset it by using the chatbot (“Betty”) at my.Scouting. When the chatbot asks if he remembers his security questions, he can say “No” to bypass.

He will need to know his correct BSA member ID number:


I have retired the other username (the one with Google sign in turned on), so he will need to use the regular username from now on.

Your local council can also look up his username or reset his password, if needed.

@JenniferOlinger, could you please look into one scout account for me?
BSA Member ID: 133494987 - this one was there for a long time
BSA Member ID: 14885720 - this one appeared recently - I would assume they tried to create a login for the scout. I don’t know if scout is able to login into his account, but when his dad sent me a screenshot of scout’s account on 12/14/23 (what the scout sees when he logs in), the screenshot was of this new account.

His dad recently got a second account as well:
BSA Member ID 13193093 (the one he had for a while)
BSA Member ID 133494988 (I believe this is a recent one, but for some reason it has some weird address not in our state).


@NadezhdaAnikeev I am looking in to this for you.

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@NadezhdaAnikeev For the Scout, I have merged his Scoutbook accounts.

The BSA member ID number that he should use is: 133494987

I would recommend having the Scout log in to his account at my.Scouting.org and double-check his e-mail address and year of birth.

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@NadezhdaAnikeev The dad’s Scoutbook accounts have been merged.

His primary BSA member number is: 133494988

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