Eagle application in scoutbook incorrectly sets "Date joined Scouts BSA" date

I just ran into an issue when submitting a Scoutbook generated Eagle Scout Application. The application asks for “Date joined Scouts BSA” (“Date joined Boy Scouts” was the line on older applications). The date Scoutbook automatically filled in was the date the scout joined cubscouts, but not the date he joined Scouts BSA.

@EricBermender In Scoutbook, when you go to the Scout’s Edit Profile page, what date is in the “Date Joined Scouts BSA” field?

It has the 2008 date, which is when he joined cubscouts.

It sounds like someone put the wrong date in that field. Replace it with the date the scout first joined a troop (any troop), and see if that corrects the date in the report.

That date is also used for things like OA eligibility (i.e. truncating the 2-year lookback for camping nights at the date that a scout first joined a troop).

Our troop, and some of the cubscout packs adopted Scoutbook when it was relatively new (back when you could pay for individual memberships). I’m starting to wondering if this has something to do with scouts that used to be tracked in an older version of scoutbook. However, I just spot checked other scouts that joined the troop in 2017, 2015, and even 1 from 2013, and their joined scouts bsa setting was correct. So, I can’t rule out that there was a manual error at some point in the past and if this is a bug it must be a edge case that probably won’t apply to scouts earning their eagle and aging out.

thanks for all the replies and glad to hear that it’s not a global issue. I now know where to fix the issue if I happen to see it again.


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