Scout has earned Environmental Science and it isn’t populating to the Eagle Application.
SB User ID
BSA Member ID:
Scout has earned Environmental Science and it isn’t populating to the Eagle Application.
SB User ID
BSA Member ID:
Is it marked Approved, or just Completed? I think it has to be marked Approved.
It’s showing up ok for my son’s report just now.
@CD32 EScience shows on that Eagle App for me for that Scout?
Sorry, have my badges mixed up. 8 Scouts up for Eagle and I’m a little busy. Could you check Emergency Preparedness.
@CD32 eprep is not completed in Scoutbook
Thanks, I need a spread sheet. LOL
I see nothing marked off for EPrep
@CD32 2 questions?
Can you not see Scoutbook or IA?
Why aren’t the scouts doing their own Applications? it is their job.
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