Having a similar problem. I have two new Eagles who completed their boards yesterday. I have marked the BOR (and thus the rank) successfully completed in Scoutbook with the date 12/13/2020 and SB shows the rank as earned. One of the new Eagles qualifies for one palm, and one qualifies for three palms. In both cases, when I attempt to mark the palms completed and submit, I am given the following error: “[SCOUT] must wait 3 months from the time scout earned the rank of Eagle Scout before earning this palm.”
I think that it won’t work until the Eagle Rank is marked Leader Approved, which I believe can only be done by BSA Administrator, rather than a unit leader/admin. At least that’s been my experience in the past.
Yes, this is because Eagle Palms cannot be approved until after the Eagle Scout rank has been approved / validated by the BSA (national).
But there is also a bug, which is being worked on.
Glad to see it’s recognized as a bug and is being fixed.
For anyone who is trying to get these entered, if you complete each individual requirement for each Palm it doesn’t seem to trigger the 3 month message and, while a bit more work, will allow you to complete the Palm(s). I am putting a note in each requirement that it is retro to the EBOR date, then also saving it with the EBOR date as requirement completion date. Completed 4 Palms so far and no issues.
Temporarily using Internet Advancement 2.0 might be the easier workaround.
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