I have a Scout who has all of the requirements completed for a bronze palm (at the time of his Eagle BOR), and the additional five merit badges are recorded as awarded for requirement number 4. However, when I try to put in the date the palm was earned I get an error message that reads “Requirement #4 for merit badges should be approved before you can complete this requirement.” How do I get this palm recorded as earned?
in the palm did #4 auto complete?
The error message doesn’t make sense at first glance, if all of the merit badges have been marked Leader Approved. Has the Eagle Rank been marked Leader Approved by BSA Administrator yet? If so, you should be able to get the palm to mark complete if you got to the overall completion tickbox and enter the date of the EBoR as the date earned.
The merit badges were all entered automatically as they were earned and awarded in 2019 and summer of 2020. The Eagle Rank has been marked Leader Approved by BSA Administrator back on Jan 18th. I entered his EBoR date of 12/23/2020 and the error message pops up.
What is the date of the Eagle Rank?
send a screenshot of this
12/23/2020 is the date of Eagle Rank
@TerriLee What is the Scout’s BSA member number?
This is his BSA #130515334
we might need a screenshare to see this - would you mind me setting that up @TerriLee ?
I only see 25 MBs for this scout - that means he is one short of approved MBs? can you check again please.
You’re right there are only 25 merit badges recorded. I didn’t catch that because I only looked at the Palm page and it aleady has all five merit badges for #4 filled in for that requirement. Why would all five of the merit badges be pushed forward to count toward the palm?
I don’t mind screenshare with you
the Scout is also on the wrong version of the eagle rank I think - I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green dot with a number 1 > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)
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@TerriLee - this should be resolved now if you can please check