Easier Navigation Between Scout Profiles in SB+

Please add a navigation element in Scout profiles/advancement details to toggle between the same screen for different Scouts, similar to the drop-down in legacy Scoutbook.

Right now, if you’re drilling into something for a few Scouts (not trying to do Quick Entry, just looking at their profiles or advancement) you click into the first Scout from the roster (then possibly drill-down a few clicks), then you back out to the roster (and wait for it to refresh), just to drill back down on the next Scout.

Sample use cases:

  • A Den Leader is entering assorted requirement completions for Scouts (not the same requirement for every Scout that could be done with Quick Entry). They must open the roster, click on a Scout, click on the appropriate rank, (possibly click on an adventure,) make the entry, then back out to the roster, and repeat. This navigation element would save them one to three screen-loads per Scout.
  • An Advancement Chair is looking at who marked an adventure Completed, Approved, and Awarded and when they did it for several Scouts. Since there is no report, they must open the roster, click a Scout, expand Past Approved Adventures, get the information, back out to the roster, and repeat. This navigation element would save them at least one screen-load per Scout.

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