Email listed as 'changemyemail" How do i update/remedy this?

I see that this was an issue for some folks already, When I log into Scoutbook with my correct email and password my admin/profile lists my email as “changemyemail” I dont know how or when this happened becuase it was correct initially and now it is not. Additionally I am unable to change/update that email in my profile to my correct email bec I get the error that this email already exists. Since my profile has the wrong email address now i am not getting any communications from Scoutbook (no meeting notices updates etc) . How do i remedy this?

You have 2 Scoutbook accounts, 2 BSA Member IDs and 2 IDs. I’ll send you a private message. Look for a number on the green circle with white D in the upper right corner of your forum window.

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