Enabling Scouts BSA Advancement for Venturers - November 2023

I have read past posts about turning on a toggle in the scout’s profile to enable Scouts BSA advancement for Venturers. I cannot find this toggle anywhere in the profile. How do I enable Scouts BSA advancement for a Venture Scout? Thanks.


The Scouts BSA slider is on the Scout’s Edit Extended Information page. The Scout must have earned First Class and be registered in a Crew or Ship for this slider to appear.


Thanks @edavignon,
To be clear the “extended information” page in SB does not actually lead to anything anymore. When I go to Edit Profile, it take me to IA. Where on the IA profile page should I be looking for this slider?

That means the scout does not qualify - what is the BSA #?? Was the Scout a Scouts BSA in the Same Council?

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This is what I see on my daughter’s Edit Extended Information page. As I said before, the Scout must have earned First Class and be registered in a Crew or Ship to see this. Post the BSA Member ID (no names) and we will investigate.


Thanks @edavignon and @DonovanMcNeil , I am able to see the slider for some scouts, but for one of our scouts who transferred into our Crew from another Troop, it appears that his old troop did not correctly input their advancement information into the system, so his record (which I got from our council) does not show any advancement. I suspect that is the problem…since there is not a First Class rank associated with the BSA number, Scoutbook is not giving me the option to turn on advancement. I have reached out to his old troop to try to get an advancement record for him.

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Or the Scout got a new BSA # - that does happen

@BrianMcLaughlin If you post the Scout’s BSA number, we can see if he might have a duplicate Scoutbook account with his Scouts BSA advancements.

(No names, please)

Hi, The BSA ID for the scout in question is 140255833.

@BrianMcLaughlin I do not find any duplicate BSA numbers or Scoutbook accounts for this Venturer. It is possible that his troop did not record his advancements for some reason.

Thanks Jennifer. I will be reaching out to his prior unit to try to get this sorted.

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Yeah it is a rare scout that gets First class in one year - I searched whole system by last name and DOB and only the one showed up

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Thanks Donovan, at this point I am going by what was signed off in the scouts handbook and the fact that he was awarded the First Class rank. It seems his previous troop was not entering data correctly via SB or IA, so I am not sure how they were able to create an advancement report for the Scout Shop. More investigation will be needed. I appreciate the help that everyone has provided.

@BrianMcLaughlin same council? I have tried a TON of variations to find the scout. Does he have a nickname?

Yes, the units are in the same council and same district. I understand that his prior unit used Troopmaster and they must not have been exporting from TM and entering data into SB/IA. I spoke to another family with a scout in the same unit and experienced similar issues with advancement data not being in the National system.

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@BrianMcLaughlin nice - surprised council commish is not on them for no advancements

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Yeah, I am going to reach out to our DC to let her know.

@BrianMcLaughlin I think I would play it this way - take the book into registrar so they can enter it - it will flow to SB for you and the Scouts record and all should be good - you have to get it in system somehow

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hmmm - as a SUAC - I have always told my Scouts their handbook is the official reference and proof

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