was trying to remove a Scout from a patrol and it looks like i removed him from the Troop. how do i get him back?
look under my account > my connections > and see if you still see scout - then modify membership
not on my connections
Please post the Scout’s BSA member number here (no names) and we can look for him.
as soon as i can get it i will.
@PaulMickle as you are a Key3 - you can go to my.scouting.org and get it from Roster
membership # 131075556
thank you didnt think of that
Paul, do you want him on the troop roster? Or back in his patrol?
on the roster as he is now ASPL
OK, you will need to go to the Scout’s Membership page and approve his membership with the troop.
Then you will need to go to his Leadership page and removed the Date Ended from his ASPL position.
its done, thank you very much
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