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I am trying promote scouts and get an error that says I can’t promote a scout because somethign is missing, but nothing is there. Any ideas?
What I get is that ____ must first earn . And then there is nothing there. I did all of the ranks in order. So I am trying to move them to Webelo and all of the prior ranks are given
I wish, but unfortunately not. We don’t have things organized in Dens, so we do it individually. I was able to promote 2 scouts, but I go to the others and all I get is that same error. I would post a picture if I could but just says that the scout must first earn and then nothing so I can’t save it
All cubs have to be in dens within Scoutbook or many features/reports/actions do not work. Even if you don’t use these dens in real life, they have to be in dens.
134087314 and 134087328 are two of the cub scouts. I am trying to award Webelo as of 6/1/21 and AOL as of today and generate the internet advancement report so that I can go to my scout store and buy the badges. Without that report they won’t let me but the badges
I am not sure why it is not working. Because time is an issue, as a workaround you could try logging in to Scoutbook.
As Cubmaster and Pack Admin, you should be able to create a Webelos den for them, and use the “Reassign Scout(s)” button to quickly move your Webelos Scouts into a Webelos den. Then see if that solves the issue in Internet Advancement.