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I have been unable to advance the majority of my Den. I managed to advance my own son about a week ago and one other child, but since then the advancement page that I need (Webelo) fails to load properly for the Scouts who have not been advanced.
I can view the other rank pages (e.g. Bear, Tiger, AOL) for those same Scouts.
I have tried Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.
I have tried over the course of multiple days and different times of the day
When I go to the Webelo advancement page for Scouts in other Dens, the page does load
When I go to the Webelo page for the two Scouts in my Den that I have already advanced, the page does load
The attached images are both from the same Scout in my Den. The images are the same for all Scouts in my Den who have not been advanced - other ranks can be viewed, and I assume modified, but Webelo cannot.
no timeline - there is a work around - look at the URL - there is a scout number …/###### - if you add /adventures to the url after the number it takes you to adventures page - click Show all and you can get to the adventures you need
I have the same issue. I am unable to update my scouts with current info on adventures finalized. This is in regards to AOL- message is “This Advancement has no requirements.”
I’ve already been able to input 56% on most of my den so I hope that information is able to be retrieved.
I did the hard refresh with no luck.
I was able to input info using quick entry from the older version but not able to see it. System just says it was updated.