Error when trying to add a Den Chief

Hello everyone! When trying to add a Den Chief to our Pack, I’m receiving this error:

The matching Scout does not have an active registration

But she is very much an active Scout - she just earned her Life rank. What am I doing wrong?

This Scout already has a Den Chief position. On your unit page, do you see her under Den Chiefs Pending Approval?

You are probably seeing her sister (same last name). I was able to successfully add her sister, but when I went to add 135343258 I received this error.

No, I searched for her by her BSA Member ID. She has a DC position that started in 2019. I suggest contacting her troop and asking her to end the DC position from 2019 then trying to add a new one.

Tried to do that (end her Den Chief Assignment) - still got the same error FYI

Try again. She had a duplicate Scoutbook account that was not deleted properly that may have been interfering. I have deleted it again so it does not conflict.

Haha I saw that - thank you for cleaning that up. She’s my daughter and her name always showed up twice on my Admin screen. Now she’s only there once. :slight_smile:

You are awesome - that totally fixed it. THANK YOU!!!

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