A scout leader from the Girl’s troop reported that she is having trouble, renewing her and her daughter’s membership. The error message simply states: “You are not allowed to proceed with the renewal”
A scout leader from the Girl’s troop reported that she is having trouble, renewing her and her daughter’s membership. The error message simply states: “You are not allowed to proceed with the renewal”
You will need to contact your Council staff for help with this message.
District commissioner here. This same problem was recently brought to me by one of my units. The answer that the parent got from council was that “her account was not linked to her scout”. No resolution, just that statement. She got the “renewal” email with a link – so quite obviously her parent email address was linked to the scout. What should be done next? Assuming that there is a my.scouting account that is separate from whatever parent account that exists that is linked to the scout – how does this get resolved?
@JanellBunger-Spiecha the Council users Registrar Tools to establish the relationship if it does not exist
@JanellBunger-Spiecha Spunds like the parent probably has two member numbers, and the parent relationship is on a different one than they are logging into. Your council registrar should be able to rectify this.
I’ll instruct the unit to have the family call council and ask that they delete and recreate the parent relationship. But I still don’t understand how the parent is connected enough to get the email with an link but not connected enough to actually do the renewal. Even for people who know nothing about computers, this is illogical.
@JanellBunger-Spiecha the email may be on 2 different BSA numbers
I’m hoping that next year they’ll change the renewals to not even require a login to scouting.org to pay for youth renewals once a member-specific link is received. This is increasingly causing a lot of headaches when one parent forwards the renewal to another parent etc. and forcing the units to continue handling a lot of special-case payments and reimbursements throughout the year.
@MarkPellegri - this is best addressed via your council to provide feedback to National