Membership Registration issue


Looks like I’m not the only one with the issue: I tried to renew my membership but I’m getting the following error:

Something went wrong

Error Code: Items is not allowed since this person already has a primary record - forSkPersonId: 12628166, Message: Conflict

I tried on my phone, on a desktop with Chrome and Edge in incognito mode, over multiple days, to no avail.

I was able to renew my son no problem.

I have multiple registrations with one primary.

BSA ID: ID12628166

Can you help?


@NicolasRietsch I suggest a first call to council Registrar on this

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Unless someone here happens to recognize the error, the only pathway for resolving issues with the registration/renewal system is via requesting that the council professional staff submit a MemberCare ticket/bug report with national. The national team that supports those systems only takes bug reports and other issues from the council professionals.

Not a satisfying answer, for sure.

“…this person already has a primary record…” almost sounds like you’re adding a new membership rather than renewing an existing one.


Thank you for trying

Posted this question elsewhere and reposting here. website will not let me renew my son’s registration saying I’m not allowed. Did it last year fine. Not sure what the issue might be. Any helpful hints would be appreciated. thanks.

@EdFerguson you are connected to a LF - are you logging into > clicking My Applications > My Renewals?

How do we change/add a parent’s my.scouting account associated with a Scout’s membership record (not their Scoutbook record)? We have parents missing Scouts, divorced parents look to change who is in charge of the renewal, etc.; it is a mess! Hopefully the answer is not talk to the Council Registrar.

@EliasEl_Hage well it is Council - They contact your local council and ask them to use the Registrar Tools to look up the children. When they look up the children, they want to check children’s “User Relationship” and make sure that children are connected to parent with Only the correct BSA member ID number that the parent can log into

A Unit Key 3 can go to > Unit > Roster > Export Roster > there to far right there is a Parent Email column to give a clue of what email can renew

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Yes, I’ve been using that report a lot, but even with that information some Scouts are just not showing up for the parent with that email address. It really never mattered until this year. We always focused on making sure parents were connected to the Scoutbook record so they could see their Scout’s advancement.

Oh well, hopefully Council will get through the hundreds of tickets waiting to be fixed before Scouts start dropping off in March. It’s not as big a deal for Cubs, but I have Life Scouts in our Troop with registration issues that only Council can fix (again). It is very frustrating as a parent and a leader.

@EliasEl_Hage well here is the thing - Every Scout SHOULD have a parent in the system - if that parent has a log in or not is a different matter - often if it is an old MID/BSA# for the parent the users can put the MID under management and put the parent one in Primary position to renew the registration to temp solve the issue for now.

@EliasEl_Hage Something else you could try: the unit should be able to renew memberships for any members (Scouts or adult leaders) who are having difficulties.

Thank you for the suggestion. Yes, we have done that for several Scouts where the parent could not see the Scout renwal in their my.scouting. But we have some Scouts where it won’t let the Unit renew or the Scout has a Campership for BSA fees and the Unit side does not give the option to select “Click to print for manual pay”.