ESRA out of date

Hello, I am the troop advancement chair and I ran an ESRA for an eagle candidate in scoutbook and it is creating the form on a 2020 version when there is a 2022 version available. Can this be updated to the most recent version so that scouts can use the form for their official Eagle application?

the ESRA 2022 is a minor none requirement change - I would not expect a change till June for the CIS Merit badge

It may be a minor change but scouts have been told they are expected to use the most up to date version of the form so would it be possible to get that corrected so that scoutbook produces the newest version when running that report?

@YvonneLeshin as BSA is in a Bankruptcy - things are slow and prioritized. For now they can get a pen and fill it out I would suggest. IT is aware of the new minor change to the ESRA.

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@DonovanMcNeil Our council registrar typically only excepts the current version starting about a month after the update was released. Updating the format of the ESRA report in Scoutbook should be a very minor programming update.

We are looking into it.

Since this is only a single sentence change, Councils could easily continue accepting the 2020 version until the next version is produced that will include Citizenship in Society MB.

In this case, they may need to adjust their blanket policy.

This is an official BSA form. The source is here:

We are working on getting the latest form into SB (should be there shortly)
However the wording for the 24 months to do an Eagle board is still incorrect on the form, however the form does refer you to the updated section in the Guide to Advancement.

We are working with the Scouts BSA Program Team to see if they will update the form again before the June update, and to make sure any wording changes do make it into the June update (when they add the CiS merit badge)

Reading these forums and the questions of late are really becoming disappointing about the mangement of the organization. Don’t get me wrong it is a great program and kids love it. However, the infrastructure and tools are what is disappointing. Trying to recharter and there are computer issues where the systems aren’t talking. Getting mbc approved and it taking so long due to computer issues etc. Yes, I know they are in bankruptcy - I get it. Yes - we are mainly volunteers. I get all of that. Can national just plan rollouts better and when you put something out, put it all out at once?

For example, in this posts situation, if the change is minor, why make it at all if you aren’t ready to update the resources? If it is relevant enough to make, then load it into scoutbook. Give the scouts the right tools. It’s really simple, have a process, communicate it, and keep resources up to date. Great to hear they are “working on it” and "it should be there “shortly” but that leads to really the bigger problem.

In my own little honest opinion, many issues in this scouting world are due to the varying rules by the district and council from what national says. You say they can use the 2020 form or that “they can change their blanket policy”. This is sooooo NOT the reality. There is no way our Eagle District BoR representatives would let a scout “get a pen and fill it out”. We’ve had scouts have their application kicked back for using the wrong font on the application. Do you really think they can just use a pen?

Yes, refer back to the Guide for Advancement. Ok, but who is going to really push the buttons of your local staff (district and council) when you are trying to help the scouts in your Troop achieve their eagle goals? Nobody. Where is national checking in on councils to make sure their districts are abiding by the national laid out rules?

Rules for something that is in theory so prestigious should not be subject to interpretation like what is actually occurring.

There are a number of spots that require the use of a pen.

Bottom line, though, the BSA is a organization in bankruptcy. I’m happy that there are only some areas that seem to indicate issues.

The registrar who rejects the older form out of hand, may need to change their policy. That is no cost and no effort.

I understand the registrar “may need to change their policy” and it is no cost or effort. It just doesn’t matter!

The whole point of me bothering to write a post is that the districts and councils are doing what they want regardless of what national puts in the guide to advancement and there is no way for little old troop volunteers to change it.

It is discouraging and exhausting. It will take a miracle to keep scouting going. Hence, it would just be nice if national recognized the issue and put stuff out cleanly.

The only way to effect change (if the council won’t move) is to get national involved. If I were in this situation as a volunteer, I’d start by reaching out to my DE in writing, cite the issue where the conflict exists with the official BSA policy, and ask for corrective actions by the council. If that goes nowhere, I’d do the same with the council Scout Executive, citing the prior correspondence with the DE. If that goes nowhere, I’d escalate it to national, together with copies of the prior correspondence with DE & CSE.

If it’s a serious/urgent enough issue, I might consider jumping organizational levels, but I’d cc any level I jumped so they aren’t blindsided. I would also explain why I thought it was important enough to jump level(s).

yes. I hear you and you are correct. However like most of us parent volunteers we aren’t going to rock the boat while our kids are on the path to eagle.

Yeah, there can be a conflict of interest for those of us who are both parents and volunteers. We want to help right the ship when we think it’s listing, but we don’t want to rock things so much that we go overboard. :^)

At a certain point, though, we have to decide whether or not an issue is “big enough” to warrant the risk. That’s part of “A Scout is Brave,” at least in my mind.

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