Event details only available to logged in users - URGENT

Please add a third text box for Only Seen By Logged-in Users. Since COVID prevents many of us from meeting in person we are utilizing online meetings for Committee, Pack and Dens. We also use the Google Calendar embedded in our web site https://eriepack62.org/ to recruit new scouts. However, we do not want our private meeting information visible when the link is clicked for more information.

Here are the current two comment sections:

  • Event Description / Invitation Message:
  • Notes / Agenda / Minutes: (only seen by admins)

Adding (public) behind the first one will allow people to know everyone in the world could see what is in the box.
Adding a section between the two with (members only) will allow us to put sensitive login information scouts and parents need to join the call/web chat that the whole world doesn’t need to know.

It’s up to us to keep our scouts and their families safe.

Thank you!!!

One work-around for the time-being is to place the login information in a comment. The event comments are not visible except when logged-in to Scoutbook.

Then, you can put “See the comments in the Scoutbook calendar event for the meeting connection.” It’s an extra step, but will likely happen faster than the developers could respond.


That is brilliant. I will pass it on to our committee members.

Glad I could help. :^)

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