Event Reminder Emails Not Going

Four hours ago, I updated information for a calendar event and asked for a reminder to be emailed Now. These usually get pushed out immediately. As of an hour ago, I had not yet received the email. When I go back into the event, Now is greyed out and the time sent is shown. Hoping it was just a strange hiccup, I sent it “Now” again. Unfortunately, I got the same result - no email.

The event is more than 24 but less than 48 hours away. I set a reminder for two days ago, in case the New feature is somehow stuck. I was hoping that since the time to send this had passed, it might send it right away. It didn’t.

I set another email to go one day before the event. I’ve got to wait about seven and a half hours to find out what happens.

Is there a known issue with event reminder emails? if so, is it limited to those sent “Now”?


At the end of the URL when you are looking at the event, there is EventID=. Can you post the number? The developers are asking for an example.

3123171 is the number.

It seems to be impacting the “send messages” feature, too. So, something is keeping all emails from going through.

Okay. So, it’s not just me.

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None of our scoutbook emails are being sent

BSA IT is aware of the problem and is investigating

BSA IT reports the e-mail outage has been resolved.

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