Event Reminder SEND ASAP issue

I just read somewhere that this is a broken feature AFTER discovering that I sent my pack a few dozen emails while messing around with an event for this weekend to update details.

So if that’s the case why is it still an option!? Take away the button please

Send ASAP should be functioning fine now

I don’t know. It seems like Send ASAP is an “every time you open the appointment it sends another notification”, not like “Send Now” was a one time event.

I was messing around to try and figure out how to update attendees (Re: remove scouts no longer in the pack. Their membership was ended but they are still on calendar appts). Somehow I sent 32 notifications to the pack.

The Send ASAP reminder also appears to be an email written by “Boy Scouts of America” and the HTML Unicode is written out instead of actually bolding/underlining text


The issue with the formatting is known.

It doesn’t seem to be clearing it once it’s saved. You could do that manually before saving again, but you shouldn’t have to. I have reported this as a bug.

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