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On bottom of dashboard, the upcoming events listed are just our troop meetings - no campouts. But if you go to the calendar, the upcoming events at the bottom show everything.
Is this a bug? I can’t find anything different about the way the events are entered other than the type.
@SherriCrayne - I am looking at the bottom of my dashboard and I see no events listed. There is a line that say events and clicking on the link lists the next few events of the troop. I guess a screenshot or several may help here.
I have confirmed that some events are definitely missing from the events on my dashboard. It seems to be more unit based rather than activity based. I suspect the sorting got messed up somehow. I will report this to the developers.
Looking further:
The only things showing on the dashboard event list are our troop meetings.
Double checked the following:
RSVP required doesn’t seem to make a difference as our committee meetings do not require RSVP but our campouts do, and neither show on the dashboard events list. (and yes, I am invited to all the events. )
@SherriCrayne - upon a closer look I am noticing the same thing. I am with three units and it is missing events from the others. As Jacob has confirmed and reported the issue hopefully it will be resolved.