Events set with 1, 7, and 14 day reminders drop off the 1 day reminder if the reminder button is clicked

Events set with 1, 7, and 14 day reminders drop off the 1 day reminder if the reminder button is clicked. The 1 day reminder is dropped even if one hits cancel. As soon as it opens the reminder picker, it drops off and goes from 3 reminders to 2.

I thought I was going crazy!

I have seen the same behavior, but with Now, 1 Hour, and 2 days as what I tend to set as the reminders.

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I hate to be a pest, but can the Scoutbook Advisory Board acknowledge this as a bug? I just ran across it again.

Confirmed. We will report this to the developers. Sorry for the delay.

Sorry since I sounded impatient. I just want to make sure the bugs are captured. Thanks for confirming!

Even if the big improvements I dream of for Scoutbook seem far away, I shall report each reproducible bug and try to see that they are fixed. We will make it the best it can be within the box it is in.

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You didn’t sound impatient at all. It’s very reasonable to follow up after 5 or 6 days. We are volunteers, too, and we sometimes lose track of posts. Speaking for my self only, I read your post initially, and I did make a note to look into it, but it was not top of mind until you reminded me. Thanks for your help in identifying the bugs.

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