Forums email preferences not match SSO

I am seeing everything except the forums use one email address and the forums use another. When I look at my forums preferences, it says “Email can be updated from SSO provider. Never shown to the public.” So, how is the SSO one address and the forums another?

I have asked the developers to look into this.

Okay, thank you for passing on the information.


Sorry for reopening this topic, but I have this issue also. Tickets have been opened sometime a year or so ago without resolution.

My my.scouting email is correct, but it never transferred to my Forum account, it’s still stuck on a former email (cubmaster) that I no longer have access due to position changes.





Is your e-mail address correct in If not, change it there then log in to the forums. If it is correct in, let me know and I’ll investigate further.

I did not hear back on this, so thought I would reply too. My email address is correct in my.scouting. I logged in through there and refreshed my forum tab. The forums were “magically” logged due to SSO. However, messages from the forums go to another email address not listed in my.scouting.

Thomas & Matt,

The developers are investigating.

Thanks @edavignon. Yes my email address in is correct.

HI @edavignon,

Just a quick update. Logged back into a few days ago and noticed that my email info had been taken out and needed to be updated again. I re-added my email address and then waited a few days to see if the forum address would update via SSO. Unfortuntally it hasn’t updated in those few days and is still stuck on the old one that I no longer have access (and is activally being used by the new cubmaster).

Thanks for your help.



I sent you a direct message. Check your avatar in the upper right corner.

Hey @edavignon. Just pinging for an update, appreciate all you do for the forums.

Ive been fighting this issue since 2019 and gotten nowhere

Yep, I’ve given up also.

I am having the same problem. My email that forum things go to is wrong, but my address is and Scoutbook are correct.

Seems I have run into this old issue a year later than the above posts.
What is the proper procedure nowadays to resolve email issue?


I sent you a private message as we do not want your e-mail address posted to the forums. Click on your photo in the upper right of the forum window to respond and we will change the e-mail addressed used.