I’d like my son to have access to his Scoutbook account. He has a my.scouting login. When I try to allow him using these steps (How Do I Give My Scout Access to Their Account? - Scoutbook Knowledge Base), there is not Invite Scout button and when I go to messages, it says I have no youths with email address provided, even though his email shows up under his profile.
@RogerBateman just have him try his my.scouting.org user/password
I am having the same issue. No matter what I do I can not find the button to invite my scout to connect to scout book - I have read the forums and watched the instructional videos and nothing - my husband tried through his scoutbook and nothing. I am a key 3 and tried as both key 3 and parent - nothing. please advise. It just keeps going in circles.
@eugeniawelch I would recommend working with your Scout to create an account at my.scouting.
Be sure to use his full name (no nicknames) and try to match with his already existing BSA member number. After he creates a my.scouting account, he can just log in to Scoutbook with his my.scouting user name and password.
@JenniferOlinger - just went through a scout cresting a MYST account and ended up with a new BSA ID… now i have to reach out to council to merge the accounts. Kinda wished I could have been there for the first part…
I guess I should have said that trying his scouting.org user/pwd was the first thing I tried.
If this is your son with first initial B, I do not see a login attempt for the last 30 days in the database. Is he using the ID BBateman1?
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